The ISO 9001 Management Representative is appointed by the top management of an organization. Irrespective of other responsibilities, he/she is responsible and has the authority in
ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established, implemented and maintained,
reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement, and
ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization.
The responsibility of the Management Representative also includes liaison with external parties on matters relating to the quality management system.
The Management Representative is usually assisted at the departmental level by Quality Representatives. This position is assumed by the respective Department Managers. The Quality Representatives are responsible for the quality processes which are applicable to their respective departments.
The Quality Representatives head their respective Quality Improvement Teams which are established for the purpose of monitoring processes and identifying opportunities for improvements. Members of the Quality Improvement Teams comprise of key personnel within the departments/process areas who are appointed by the Quality Representative to assist him/her at the process-level.
The Management Representative is also assisted by an appointed Document Controller whose responsibility is to implement the Control of Documents and Control of records procedures.
Collectively, the Management Representative, Quality Representatives and the Document Controller make up the Quality Management System Committee. This committee meets regularly to provide relevant inputs and resolutions for the quality management system. The structure of the Quality Management System Committee is as follows:
Management Representative – Chairman
Document Controller – Secretary
Quality Representatives – Members
[Note: The above is just an example. If you are a small organization, a QMS Committee and Quality Improvement Teams may not be necessary]
To facilitate effecetive communications, the Quality Management System Committee and the Quality Improvement Teams, respectively, meet regularly in order to ensure that communication regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system takes place. Pertinent information regarding the quality management system is then posted by the Management Representative on the Bulletin Board for the benefit of all employees. Employees are generally encouraged to provide their inputs towards the quality management system through suggestion boxes which are located at strategic locations within the organization’s premises.
Note: Some organizations employ this method but results may vary among other organizations. The key is to continually improve on these methods/processes.
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