Monday, August 30, 2010


In order to assist organizations to have a full understanding of the new ISO 9001:2008, it may be useful to have an insight on the revision process, how this revision reflects the inputs received from users of the standard, and the consideration given to benefits and impacts during its development.

Prior to the commencement of a revision (or amendment) to a management system standard, ISO/Guide 72:2001 Guidelines for the justification and development of management system standards recommends that a “Justification Study” is prepared to present a case for the proposed project and that it outlines details of the data and inputs used to support its arguments. In relation to the development of ISO 9001:2008 user needs were identified from the following:

-the results of a formal “Systematic Review” on ISO 9001:2000 that was performed by the members of ISO/TC 176/SC2 during 2003-2004
-feedback from the ISO/TC 176/Working Group on “Interpretations”
-the results of an extensive worldwide “User Feedback Survey on ISO 9001 and

The Justification Study identified the need for an amendment, provided that the impact on users would be limited and that changes would only be introduced when there were clear benefits to users.

The key focuses of the ISO 9001:2008 amendment were to enhance the clarity of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance its compatibility with ISO 14001:2004.

A tool for assessing the impacts versus benefits for proposed changes was created to assist the drafters of the amendment in deciding which changes should be included, and to assist in the verification of drafts against the identified user needs. The following decision making principles were applied:

1) No changes with high impact would be incorporated into the standard;

2) Changes with medium impact would only be incorporated when they provided a correspondingly medium or high benefit to users of the standard;

3) Even where a change was low impact, it had to be justified by the benefits it delivered to users, before being incorporated.

The changes incorporated in this ISO 9001:2008 edition were classified in terms of impact into the following categories:

-No changes or minimum changes on user documents, including records

-No changes or minimum changes to existing processes of the organization

-No additional training required or minimal training required

-No effects on current certifications

The benefits identified for the ISO 9001:2008 edition fall into the following categories:

-Provides clarity

-Increases compatibility with ISO 14001.

-Maintains consistency with ISO 9000 family of standards.

-Improves translatability.

The Environment For A Healthy Business In ISO 14001 Standards

The Environment For A Healthy Business In ISO 14001 Standards

Growing scrutiny toward industry’s effects on the environment has made conformance with ISO 14001:2004 – a voluntary, internationally recognized Environmental Management Systems (EMS) standard – more important than ever. As more companies pursue ISO 14001 certification to demonstrate environmental commitment to their customers, shareholders and government agencies, many are discovering the benefits of partnering with Intertek. As one of the first accredited certification bodies, Intertek offers expertise, experience and know-how that no one else can deliver. Your certified EMS can help you reap the benefits of:

Improved overall performance
Your ISO 14001 certified EMS can help make your business more efficient and productive. Lower energy and raw materials use, reductions in waste and pollution, and mitigated risks of accidents and emergency situations translate into greater profitability and productivity.

Expanded market access
Your company’s environmental credibility and commitment to quality are established from day one. It will take less time to demonstrate the effectiveness of your EMS and earn your prospective customers’ trust and confidence, and you’ll enjoy access to markets you might not otherwise penetrate.

Improved corporate image
Your certification demonstrates your company’s commitment to environmental responsibility, fostering improved relationships with the community, shareholders, and governmental and environmental organizations.

Enhanced competitiveness
While helping you to operate more efficiently and profitably, your ISO 14001 certified EMS can instill additional confidence in shareholders, investors, insurers and your customers – making your business the clear choice in a highly competitive market.
Plus, you can maximize your human and financial resources by using your existing Quality Management System (QMS) as a basis for your EMS, taking advantage of the synergies between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Introduction to ISO 9001 Standard Certification

Introduction to ISO 9001 Standard Certification

Certification is a way to attest, by the intermediary of a third-party certifier, to a company’s ability to provide a service, product or system in accordance with client requirements and regulation requirements. ISO and IEC give the following definition:
Procedure by which a third party gives written assurancethat a product, process or service complies with the requirementsspecified in a benchmark.The ISO 9000 family of standards corresponds to all the management best practices benchmarks as regards quality, which are defined by ISO (the International Organisation for Standardization).
ISO 9000 standards were originally written in 1987, with revisions taking place in 1994 and 2000. Thus, the 2000 version of the ISO 9001 standard, which is part of the ISO 9000 family, is written “ISO 9001:2000?. The ISO 9001:2000 standard mainly focuses on the processes used to produce a service or product, whereas the ISO 9001:1994 standard was mainly focused on the product itself. Here is an overview of all the different standards in the ISO 9000 family:
ISO 9000: “Quality Management Systems – Basic Principles and Vocabulary”. The ISO 9000 standard describes the principles of a quality management system and defines the terminologyISO 9001: “Quality Management Systems – Requirements”. The ISO 9001 standard describes the requirements relative to a quality management system either for internal use or for contractual or certification purposes. Therefore, this standard is a group of requirements that companies must followISO 9004: “Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for Improving Performance”. This standard, which is intended for internal use and not for contractual purposes, focuses particularly on continually improving performanceISO 10011: “Guidelines for auditing quality management and/or environmental management systems”.

Business benefits of ISO 14001 Standards

Business benefits of ISO 14001 Standards

Any manager will try to avoid pollution that could cost the company a fine for infringing environmental legislation. But better managers will agree that doing only just enough to keep the company out of trouble with government inspectors is a rather weak and reactive approach to business in today’s increasingly environment-conscious world.
There is a better way. The ISO 14000 way. The ISO 14000 standards are practical tools for the manager who is not satisfied with mere compliance with legislation – which may be perceived as a cost of doing business. They’re for the proactive manager with the breadth of vision to understand that implementing a strategic approach can bring return on investment in environmentrelated measures. Implementing an ISO 14000-basedenvironmental management system, and using other tools from the ISO 14000 family, will give you far more than just confidence that you are complying with legislation.
The ISO 14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas where your business has an environmental impact. And this systematic approach can lead to benefits like the following:
a. Reduced cost of waste managementb. Savings in consumption of energy and materialsc. Lower distribution costsd. Improved corporate image among regulators, customers and the publice. Framework for continuous improvement of your environmental performance.
The manager who is “too busy managing the business” to listen to good senseabout environmental management could actually be costing the business plenty. Just think, for example, of the lost opportunities for achieving benefits like those above.
The ISO 14000 standards are management tools that will help your businessachieve environmental goals that go way beyond acquiring a mere “green sheen”.